A Complete List Of Eye Care Medicine in Herbs

In Pakistan and Afghanistan eye care is a very common form of medication. In fact eye care is almost as popular as medication. However, many people do not understand the benefits of eye care medicine in Pakistan and Afghanistan. That's why Ayurvedic eye care capsules have become popular as prescription alternatives.

Ayurvedic eye care medicine in Pakistan and Afghanistan is used by thousands of people for different types of eye ailments. Some people suffer from eye ailments such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. These conditions cause puffiness and decrease in peripheral vision. Other eye conditions such as corneal ulcer, corneal scarring and vision problems are treated with eye care medicines. Some prescription eye medications are eye drops, eye patches, eyelid drops and laser eye surgery.


Cataracts: Cataract is the most common eye ailment that affects men and women. Cataract is caused by too much oxygen and nutrients entering the eye. In olden days, eye care practitioners would use a form of eye care called "sapindus" on patients suffering from cataracts. Today the use of eye care medicines such as Triphala, Trayodashang, Shatavari, Chitrak and Kerbal is still common in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In Pakistan and Afghanistan eye care medicine is also prescribed for patients who experience pain in their eyes. This herbal medicine in pakistan is taken to treat the pain and inflammation that may result due to inflammation of the eyelids or in some other part of the body. The common drugs used for treating cataracts are Bactrim, Mylanta, Melatonin and Acomplia. These eye care medicines are effective in reducing symptoms associated with inflammation. Eye drops, which contain hydrocortisone, are also prescribed for this purpose.

Glaucoma: Eye problems such as glaucoma are extremely dangerous. In addition to pain in the eyes, patients may experience blurred vision, loss of peripheral vision, double vision, eye redness and pressure, and sometimes eye swelling and pain. Thus eye care medicine for glaucoma is very important. The most common eye care medicine recommended for glaucoma is Isotretinoin.

Vision loss is usually the result of accumulation of excessive pressure under the eyes or due to accumulation of fluid in the eye. Some eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, dry eye and cataract can lead to vision loss. Vision loss may be due to a variety of factors including genetic disposition, trauma, age, or systemic disease. The usual treatment procedure is eye muscle surgery. However, the most important aim of eye muscle surgery is to eliminate the metabolic process that results in the accumulation of excess fluid in the eyes, resulting in vision loss.

Cataract: Cataract is one of the most common eye diseases. It is mainly caused by accumulation of crystalline matter in the eye's lens causing decreased drainage. Cataract surgery is an important treatment for those who have normal visual acuity but suffer from severe refractive eye disease due to cataracts. Some of the common treatments include eyelid surgery, laser surgery, conventional eye glasses, and new technologies like photodynamic therapy and light wave therapy.

These eye conditions require specific treatments that differ according to their respective causes. Thus it is advisable to consult with an eye care physician who is an expert in such eye care procedures and can suggest the most suitable procedure to address your specific needs. A number of cataract surgeons specialize in treating various forms of eye conditions. Their patients can be assured of successful outcomes after cataract surgery.


ophthalmologists (Ophthalmologist) are trained professionals who can diagnose eye problems and prescribe appropriate medicines. Their primary job is to monitor the health of the eye and prescribe the appropriate medication in the best possible manner. They can treat different eye problems that may arise based on their expertise in various fields of medicine. Ophthalmologists can treat conjunctivitis, dry eye, corneal ulcer, dry eye syndrome, corneal edema, and other serious eye problems. Based on their experience they can determine the exact cause of eye problems and prescribe the most suitable form of medication.

ophthalmologists can treat common eye disorders like morning eye, halos, and glaucoma. They can also predict the development of any future cataract or macular degeneration. In case of serious eye problem, they perform invasive techniques like scleral beam exposure, optical coagulation, eye lymph drainage and laser peripheral iridotomy.

Vision specialists perform comprehensive eye care and can prescribe the best vision therapy for every patient. They can treat patients suffering from severe refractive errors like myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia, and strabismus. They can even correct eye abnormalities like double vision, convergence insufficiency, and eye tumor. They can even remove cataract, treat nerve endings, repair damaged blood vessels, and promote blood supply in the eye. In case of severe cataract surgery, they can remove the cloudy part and improve visual acuity in a short period of time.


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