Understanding Cholesterol Treatments

Herbal cholesterol treatment is the best option to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the development of heart disease. Most of the people ignore the problem of high cholesterol until they suffer from various problems like heart diseases, stroke and even death. High cholesterol and unhealthy lifestyle is a major cause of these fatal conditions. You can control cholesterol levels with the help of herbal cholesterol treatment or change your lifestyle to reduce cholesterol levels in your body.

cholesterol treatment

Cholesterol is a waxy fatty substance that is made by the liver and other tissues. It helps to produce hormones and other substances. Our body contains low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein is considered as the bad cholesterol, while high-density lipoprotein is considered as the good cholesterol. It is essential for our survival but excessive levels of it can cause our heart to be harmed.

Most cholesterol present in our bloodstream is produced by the liver and its immediate release into bloodstream circulates the fatty substances. If there are too much of these cholesterol particles in the bloodstream, it increases the risk of developing a heart disease called coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis. The plaque formation in the artery walls eventually blocks the blood flow and eventually damage the artery wall. Coronary artery is the most common heart disease causing stroke. There is no cure for this heart attack and once the person develops coronary artery disease, he will have a life-threatening heart attack.

Having cholesterol in your bloodstream is normal, but having elevated levels of it can cause many serious problems. People with borderline high triglycerides are more likely to develop heart disease. Triglycerides are fats in our bloodstream. High triglycerides can cause unhealthy build-up of cholesterol in the arteries and it can lead to high cholesterol and other cardiac problems.

Another cause of heart diseases is over production of liver enzymes, which are required in digesting fat. Excessive production of liver enzymes can result to hypercholesterolemia, a condition where the liver can be overwhelmed by the increased liver cholesterol levels. Hypercholesterolemia can be caused by eating foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars. Foods like cookies, pastries, candies, ice cream, and fast foods are the foods that can trigger hypercholesterolemia.

To help patients prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases, doctors often recommend lifestyle changes and diet modifications. Patients with elevated total cholesterol level need to make changes in their daily lifestyle. These changes include moderate to regular exercise, maintaining a low-density lipoprotein level, avoiding foods that are high in saturated fat and trans-fats, and quitting smoking.


A patient education program on cholesterol is also essential. This program can teach the patient information about heart conditions, lifestyle changes, and possible symptoms of heart disease. In addition to the educational component of the program, patients are encouraged to record their daily food intake, weight, and blood pressure readings. This information is used alongside desi medicine evaluation and laboratory testing.

Doctors also recommend that patients have a personal health history. This involves documenting family history of heart disease, whether or not a patient is a smoker, and taking into consideration family history of diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. When heart disease is present, the doctor will ask the family history of more than one member of the patient's family. The family history helps the doctor determine if there are any risk factors for heart disease. In some cases, the doctor may ask patients to bring a sample of their blood to the office for complete blood count, fasting cholesterol test, or to be tested for triglycerides, cholesterol, or HMG cholesterol (high density lipoprotein).


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